

2016年3月23日 星期三

The trend of identity issue in young adult

Erik Erikson's Stage of Psychological Development tells us that adolescents are in the stage of searching for self-identity. For those who are fixated at this stage, they will find role confused which affects their development in the following stages. In my observation, this identity issue has obviously extended.

Identity crisis is the situation that a person does not know what to do with his life. One of my friends told me he could not feel any true happiness after coming back from working holiday in Australia. He could not focus on a book, movie or anything he used to enjoy in. He fancied something unknown. He felt he himself did not belong to here, but he did not know what and where he belonged to. He sought jobs according to his parent's wishes, and also because of his girlfriend. He worked like a gearwheel of a machine, playing his role without feeling. He lived like a robot. He revealed that he was not the only one who had this kind of feeling after working holiday.

I am not sure about the causes of this situation. However, there is an observable fact. In Australia, "I do what I really want", while in Hong Kong, "I do what the others want me to do". My friend had a dream, be an outward bound trainer. However, the salary of a trainer is $11000 per month only. He believed his parents would object to this decision. Moreover, he would like to provide her girlfriend a stable living which cannot be secured by working as a trainer.

Karl Marx described human as "a conscious being, (who) makes his life activity, his essential being, a mere means for his existence". However, it is difficult for a person to be himself, to work directly for his needs and to follow his wills and choices. The process has been intervened by money, materials and the belief of "Good Life".

In Australia, my friend worked in a farm. His income depended on how many fruits he picked. He could enjoy the fruit while picking. The relationship between his efforts and rewards was in proportion. The relationship between him, as a person, and the land was close. What he needed to do was planning how to earn more by traveling to different farms every day. There was meaning for each of his actions.

However, it was totally different when he came back. Working in a city, the relationship between efforts and return is indirect. People work because of the salary.  Salary can be used for food and bills. Spared salary becomes savings which may be used for buying a flat. A flat provides a chance to build up a family, and then, it is possible to have a child and so on. These are some of the imaginations of a faraway future. Actually, some people may not imagine their future because having a child is another cycle to earn more money, which goes back to the first step.

In addition, the most terrible thing is what your family members and peers may tell you that it is the right track towards "Good Life". When you were young, they started suggesting, helping, and motivating you to enter the university, which they believe is the right way. After your graduation from university, they stop the intensive intervening and tell you "I have done what I had to and here comes your turn. Go to find a good job (according to salary and welfare) and form a family. I am waiting for my grandchild."  Some people just follow the others’ suggestion and their counterparts start asking themselves a question, "What do I really want?"

It is never too late asking this question. People may feel lost and uncomfortable in asking this question but it is an important question. It is a chance to search for the inner wants and needs, to have better self-understanding and to live a new life for a person to be a person.

The word “crisis” consists of two words in Chinese, risk and opportunity. The rising trend of the identity crisis in teenagers and young adults is representing some structural problems in the society. The government should face the problems. Otherwise, it will start as individuals' issues and end up as social crisis.

